Thursday, September 4, 2008

What is it with Republicans?

Every Republican walking down the street these days has two phrases you hear repeatedly: “Obama is going to raise your taxes.” The second phrase is: “McCain will cut your taxes.”

So, that’s it? Is it really that simple? Hardly. It is insulting to ask voters to base their vote on such simplistic nonsense, especially since the record of recent Republican presidents demonstrates they are profligate spenders whose borrowing and spending make liberal members of Congress blush.

Look at the record of Ronald Reagan, that great Republican icon. He said he wanted a balanced budget but America didn’t get one until Bill Clinton took office. Reagan never even came close to even thinking about balancing a budget during his 8 years in office. Instead, he tripled the national debt, growing the debt from $1.5 trillion to over $4 trillion by the time he left office.

Today, George Bush makes Reagan look like a piker. Under George Bush, the national debt has soared from $5.8 trillion in 2001 to almost 10 TRILLION DOLLARS today.

Maybe, “my friends” in the Republican Party, you would be willing to raise taxes to pay some of the $406 Billion needed annually to pay the interest on the debt run up on the watch of your Republican Presidents? ( 25% of the notes are held by foreign interests, up from 13% in 1988, so we owe a lot of money to “our friends” overseas who don’t like us one bit.)

Bush holds the record for annual spending and has proposed a budget of $3.01 trillion dollars for fiscal year 2009 which starts October 1, 2008. Barry Goldwater and Everett McKinley Dirksen would not know these guys.

So when somebody says, “Obama is going to raise your taxes,” say to them, “I’d rather pay more taxes to a President who will actually balance the federal government than keep sending the same taxes to someone else who cares only about spending more than he takes in and passing the debt to my kids.”

Incidentally, George Bush finally has submitted a projected balanced budged….for the year 2012!

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