Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Turning Point in American Politics Coming

Last Saturday, as I was leaving a church event, I met an elderly lady in the church parking lot who was obviously lost. “Where do canvassers for Obama pick up materials?” she asked. I knew the schedule and logistics since I had recently attended a meeting at local Obama headquarters so I pointed her to a location just down the street from the church. As I watched her get in her car and drive off, I thought, “Obama is going to win!”

For the first time in my life, I will be canvassing, too.

For the first time in my life, I will be driving voters to the polls.

For the first time in my life, I will be writing personal letters to friends and neighbors, urging them to vote for the one man who has the best chance of restoring American credibility overseas and, most importantly, restoring the confidence of Americans in their own government’s ability to serve their interests.

When an 80 year old lady, understanding what is at risk, is motivated to get out and canvass her neighborhood on behalf of this young man from Illinois, the momentum is clearly building for a major turning point in American politics.

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