Friday, September 5, 2008

Palin by Comparison

Jon Stewart of The Daily Show has someone on his staff with the technical skill to ferret out the most interesting video clips in the public domain that show the hypocrisy of political figures. Karl Rove has praised the choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate for John McCain citing her experience as mayor of a town of 9,000 and service as governor for 20 months. But when asked what Gov. Tim Kaine of VA would bring to the Democratic ticket if he were chosen by Barack Obama, Karl Rove dismissed Kaine:

“He’s been governor for 3 years and was mayor of Richmond, a town of 200,000, the 105th largest city in America. No disrespect to Richmond but Chula Vista, CA, Aurora, CO, Gilbert, AZ, North Los Vegas, NV, and Henderson, NV are all larger. Richmond is not a big town. So, if you pick Governor Kaine, you make an intensely political choice which says, you know, that ‘I’m not really first and foremost concerned with – is this person capable of being President of the United States.'”

The Republicans are bordering on appearing just plain ridiculous to the American people even as they insult our intelligence.

My good friend, Joe Fab, passed along this observation:

“The best comment I've heard on this whole Palin thing came from

a ‘man on the street’ report on local TV news in Minneapolis -- people in the Twin Cities were being asked about Palin, McCain, etc.

A kid who looked like he was maybe nineteen or so -- scruffy, pimply-faced

-- is standing behind a counter in what at first was a nondescript place of business with customers passing through the shot. The setup from the reporter made reference to McCain having met Palin once months ago and then having a second meeting with her a few days before announcing her as his nominee. The kid looks into the camera and says, "Heck, I had to have three interviews to get this job at Taco Bell!"

How many interviews did you have for your last job?

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