Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Time out for a little outrage

My good friend Elliot Berlin, a fine director and cenematographer, sent me a note this morning and I take the liberty of sharing it with you:

"...the election feels like it’s slipping away. I fear seriously falling out of love with my country if it proves so willful in its ignorance that, at this point in our history, many Americans would choose to vote directly against their own interests because of falling victim to the lies, distortions, and the successful running of an issue-less campaign. The hypocrisies of the Republicans are mounting exponentially. They’re now even attacking Obama for advocating “sex ed” for kindergarteners as if it’s meant in some kind of crude, abusive way, when his own involvement was apparently peripheral, and when among its main points is to educate young kids to know how to avoid sexual predators. There’s no depth to which these people won’t sink. They are the depraved ones."

Well said, Elliot.

Just wait 'til October. Your skin will crawl when you see and hear what they are thinking now.

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