Friday, September 12, 2008

Forget Palin, this is between Obama and McCain.

In the end, this presidential race is about the choice between Barack Obama and John McCain. Never forget that.

Biden and Palin are window dressing. The choices for this country are between the guy who wants to change the direction of America and another guy who doesn’t.

A Republican friend called me to ask why I was so passionate about electing Barack Obama. I tried to boil it down to terms he could understand, and said:

"If you think America's treasury is not completely dry, if you think America's military is not completely impotent on the world stage, if you think America's international reputation is still in good shape, if you think global warming is a left wing myth, if you think our domestic infrastructure is still serving our people, if you think financial markets are sound, if you think government agencies the citizens of America depend on are still doing their job, by all means, vote for John McBush.

“If you think America can afford Republican stewardship of our country for another four to eight years, vote for McCain. But if you believe the country needs a new leader capable of effecting true change – not just someone talking about change for political expediency – then you should vote for Barack Obama.”

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