Thursday, September 11, 2008

A pig is a pig is a pig.

People are getting excited...and concerned. Here are the thoughts this morning of my good friend, Joe Fab:

I’m not one of those who believes the election can be won by Sen Obama just through some version of ‘taking off the gloves,’ and I admire the principles that would have him prefer to remain above the fray.

BUT, I DO believe that this race will not be won without effective response tactics to the Republican lies, distortion and misdirection already in play. And when the even filthier win-at-any-cost methods come as we ramp up to November, a defense with muscle is critical — maybe even one that has an element of offense about it.

Let me suggest one arrow to pull from the quiver -- a bait and switch. Now that the ‘pig with lipstick’ comment has been elevated to the level of news and is actually a focus of some debate (how freaky is it to write THAT observation?), Sen Obama should watch for the next mention by the McCain campaign. Then he should clarify what he meant when he made the comment before: “I don’t apologize for my remark, not even a little bit. But let me tell you what’s the pig and what’s the lipstick...

“The pig is this entire McCain campaign — devoid of respect for the minds and needs of American voters, completely lacking in substance and solutions. Having no content to offer, this pig is wallowing in the mud every day. And you know what? I think it’s getting to like it!

“And the lipstick? Well, the McCain bunch has a LOT of tubes of lipstick. And every one it puts on that pig -- every lie, distortion, misdirection, triviality, sensationalism -- is an attempt to seduce the rest of us — you and me and my campaign -- into jumping into the pigpen too. That pig is desperate. That pig wants US to get up to OUR noses in that foul sludge and mud too.

“Well, that is patently ridiculous. In fact, it’s insulting to you and me. But the image fits the reality: no new ideas? no hope? no real intention to change this country? Well, just slap some more lipstick on the pig and maybe we’ll fool ‘em all.

“So, instead of jumping into the mud, here’s what we’re going to do... We’re going to walk right past that pigpen, and when that pig start winking and flirting with us, we’re going to shake our heads and walk on by. We’re going to walk with purpose and we’re going to leave the whole barnyard behind us and get on with the critical work that needs to be done. And we ARE going to change this country for the better for our children and grandchildren.

“So, no apologies here. As a matter of fact, every time they pull out another tube, you can expect me to continue calling a pig in lipstick, just a pig.”

And I would have Sen Obama come back to this phrase every time the McCain gang tries to deceive the voters as we know will happen. Eventually, it will become automatic, and everyone will be saying it.

We’ve become accustomed to hearing a cable news person ask if Sen McCain’s comments on any given day are going to pose a problem for Sen Obama. But one day soon we just might hear Wolf Blitzer asking the Best Political Team on Television if Sen McCain is just putting more lipstick on that pig.

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