Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who's on First?

Re: The Friday Debate

Obama is right. This is a time when Americans deserve to hear from both candidates for the chief leadership position in America describing how they would approach the economy and other issues. The President must be able to address multiple issues simultaneously. He thinks Sen. McCain should debate him Friday night. I think most Americans are surprised, perhaps shocked, that John McCain has ducked the debate and headed back to Washington where he will be more of a hindrance than a help. It is a transparent attempt by the McCain camp to throw a "hail Mary" pass that will resurrect his otherwise moribund campaign.

Re: Legislative plan to address the economic mess

Barack Obama has made clear the plan, when adopted, should address the following:

No Golden Parachutes -- Taxpayer dollars should not be used to reward the irresponsible Wall Street executives who "helmed" this disaster.

Main Street, Not Just Wall Street -- Any bailout plan must include a payback strategy for taxpayers who are footing the bill and aid to innocent homeowners who are facing foreclosure.

Bipartisan Oversight -- The staggering amount of taxpayer money involved demands a bipartisan board to ensure accountability and oversight.

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