Monday, September 15, 2008

Before the Palin Error

Let’s step back five months – to April 2008 -- and consider again why so many thoughtful people were picking Barack Obama out of the crowd of candidates competing for the Democratic nomination.

Former US Senator Sam Nunn issued a statement endorsing Obama in which he said:

“Senator Obama, as evidenced by his words and his deeds, recognizes that:

  • We have developed a habit of avoiding the tough decisions and seemingly lost our ability to build consensus to tackle head-on our biggest challenges.
  • Demonizing the opposition, oversimplifying the issues, and dumbing down the political debate prevent our country from coming together to make tough decisions and tackle our biggest challenges.
  • Solving America’s problems will require difficult choices and sacrifices and leaders capable of considering new ideas from both political parties.
  • On foreign policy and security policy, we must recognize that we are not limited to a choice between belligerency and isolation and that we must listen to lead successfully on the key issues facing America and the world.
  • Our next president must also recognize that the battle against violent terrorists, while requiring a prudent use of military power, is also a long-term contest of psychology and ideas.”

Senator Nunn concluded his assessment of Barack Obama by writing, “Senator Obama has a rare ability to restore America’s credibility and moral authority and to get others to join us in tackling serious global problems that will determine our own wellbeing and security.”

When has either of the candidates on the other side of the ticket done anything to satisfy Sam Nunn’s criteria?

1 comment:

E Berlin media blog said...

Can't you get the Obama campaign to use Nunn's words in an ad? Seems like it could help.