Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Conservative Asking Questions?

David Frum is a conservative and former speechwriter for George Bush. On his blog, he has raised questions about Sarah Palin’s qualifications to be Vice President of this nation, a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. His readers have taken him to task over his questioning of the extreme conservative Palin. In an exchange with a reader in his blog Saturday, Frum wrote, "I am not denying that Sarah Palin may have great skills. She may well. I am insisting that neither you, nor I, nor John McCain has any valid reason to believe that she does. This is not an argument about the attributes she lacks. It's an argument about the information we lack. I am pleading with my fellow conservatives: Please demand more and better knowledge before you commit yourselves to a political leader. That's all."

I agree with David Frum. As I have written already, “What is the state of our selection process when Sarah Palin, little known outside her hometown of 7,000 in Alaska, can walk on the national stage 60 days prior to the election and have Republican convention delegates chanting, "Yeah, that's the one!" Are you kidding me?

I have more questions…and so should they!


Anonymous said...

Yes. More information needed. Or are we a nation that goes car shopping, walks onto the car lot and says "I'll take that one because it's red."

Ben said...

I hope not, but increasingly the GOP has demonstrated that, if selecting the first red car one comes to on the lot is the way to stay in power, so be it. Never mind that it is not just about winning, it is about governing. And we know, from our experience with George Bush, that the Republicans forgot they were going to have to govern with GW.