Friday, September 5, 2008


The GOP acceptance speech was seen by more people than watched Obama’s – 38.9 million. Actually he beat Obama by just 1%, but the stat is, nonetheless, amazing given the nation’s dissatisfaction with the Bush administration. However, the reason for the larger audience might be explained this way: Every Republican tuned in to watch McCain and a lot of Democrats, concerned about America’s future, did, too; the Obama speech was watched by every Democrat with access to a TV and a small group of Republicans – small because the rest didn’t want to run the risk of being persuaded that their team is ruining America. How else to explain it?

Palin Again –

Palin was cast as a reformer who fought the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere.” But in fact, she ran for governor in 2006 as a champion of the pork-barrel bridge and “opposed” it only after it was clear the project was dead. We were told that Palin abhors earmarks, the special congressional appropriations that Alaska politicians have used to bleed billions from the American taxpayer. But it turns out Palin fought to get earmarks both as mayor and as governor, hiring lobbyists and going to Washington herself to bring them home.

Perhaps it is a good thing that she has flown back to Alaska to hole up for a few days to read briefing books before coming back to the lower 48 to rejoin the campaign. But will she be ready....really ready?

Palin for the Last Time –

And she attended FIVE different colleges in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree! Six if you count the school she returned to twice!


When you hear a Republican call Obama an elitist, your response should be just these three words: “$300 thousand dollars.” You won’t have to explain it and you won’t have to say anything more. (If you don’t know what I mean by suggesting that answer, send me an e-mail.)

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