Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"She Doesn't Speak for Me"

The Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally was expected to be small; after all, it was organized by a small group of women over coffee. They decided they should do something to let the "lower 48" know that Sarah Palin was not beloved by everyone in Alaska. So, they called for a rally to be held in the parking lot of the local library. When a local conservative talk show host heard about their plans, he called the women names and urged his listeners to show up as a counter demonstration to tell the women organizers they were “a bunch of socialist baby-killing maggots.”

No one -- even the organizers -- could imagine how many anti-Palin folks would actually show up.

On the appointed day and hour, a huge crowd showed up at the library for the rally. The turn-out was far more than anyone expected. Organizers counted well over 1300 anti-Palin voters with about 90 counter demonstrators. Some said it was the “largest political rally in the history of the state.”

The Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally was significantly bigger than Sarah Palin’s own rally that received so much national media attention. It is obvious Sarah Palin does not speak for all Alaskans. Indeed, she gives many serious pause as they contemplate the naked ambition of this self righteous woman.

Are you listening America? Sarah is out of step with Alaska women and not prepared to speak for any of us!

(It's amazing how many great ideas begin with a good cup of coffee!)

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