Wednesday, September 3, 2008

No Free Pass

A longtime Republican friend sent me the following e-mail over the weekend:

“I am in shock over this choice (Sarah Palin). I can't imagine what McCain was thinking. He chose a totally inexperienced person as his running mate, a person who won't even appeal to the Clinton female supporters. My God, he is 72 and she stands a good chance of becoming President. He has “dissed” the conservatives again. Of course, we have nowhere to go anyway. I just get so fed up with political parties. Why can't we just have an election like they did back in the beginning and vote on who we want and the two highest vote getters are President and VP. Now I have to face the prospect of super liberal being elected President who is going to raise my taxes and have a real SOB as VP. As you can see, I am conceding to you Dems.”

Even as they acknowledge the serious prospect of defeat this November, many Republicans are expressing the sentiments of this one who believes his taxes are going to go up dramatically. I don’t agree with his comment about Biden being a “real SOB.” One thing, however, is clear: Republican leadership has done a thorough job of convincing every last rank and file Republican in America that their taxes will go up when Obama is elected.

Well, I have news for them: your taxes are going to go up regardless of who is elected. How long do you think America will be able to borrow money from China to pay for the wars Bush 43 started? At some point, we Americans have to pay something. BTW, what did you sacrifice during these wars – mmmmmm?

Being a free American does not mean you get a free pass through the life of your citizenship; it means you get the opportunity to show your appreciation by paying the fair share of taxes you owe to support the government you depend on and you get the opportunity to choose – and I hope some Republicans will – to pay back their country through some form of government service. That would be a good thing for all of us to do. And then…we would have the right to complain about paying taxes.

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