Monday, September 29, 2008

Door to Door for Obama

Last weekend, my wife and I were among the 300 volunteers who visited 10,000 voters in Virginia, walking door to door for Barack Obama in Virginia. We knocked on 60 of those 10,000 doors.

I must tell you I have been involved in politics for many years but have never walked door to door. It is an exhilarating experience. You get a few doors shut in your face…but not many. A few people greet you with, "Yeah, what do you want?" In general people don’t like to have their normal weekend activities interrupted but I found, when they hear you are from the Obama campaign, their entire demeanor changes. Lots of questions follow, sometimes they tell you specifically which house on the street is home to an undecided voter, and frequently they ask for yard signs and bumper stickers for themselves or friends.

There is indeed something blowin’ in the wind and yes, the times, they are a’ changing. There is an excitement for the potential Barack Obama holds that is downright palpable.

The change coming on November 4 will be felt from Bar Harbor to San Diego harbor. Blue states will become a deeper shade of blue and Red states will turn purple on their way to Blue.


E Berlin media blog said...

I didn't get to as many doors as you, but I was struck in particular by two encounters. First I met someone, originally from Turkey, who said he was a longtime Republican who once worked for Ronald Reagan. He said everyone in his family was voting for Obama. Another man said that of the seven people in his Catholic, pro-life family, all but one were voting for Obama because the weight of all the other issues was more important, in the end, than the one issue about which they disagree with Obama. Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. The movement is getting stronger; the trends to Obama are growing. There is a sense among all observers that this one is almost over. The American electorate is ready to reassert itself and vote for the one man who will help them keep this republic.