Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This nation asks for action, and action now.

In FDR’s first inaugural address, he had one line that surely rings true today: “This Nation asks for action, and action now.”

Indeed it does.

We have a housing crisis with foreclosures continuing to rise in a national mortgage meltdown.

We have a confidence crisis, with Americans believing our nation is on the wrong track, our President failing us (approval rating of less that 30%).

We have a President who believes all should be willing to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps never recognizing – as Barack Obama said –“there are many who don’t even have boots to pull up.”

We have a planet that is warming catastrophically due to human actions, with a government unwilling to recognize the cause and take necessary action in concert with the world community.

We have a national reputation in tatters following an ill advised pre-emptive strike against another sovereign nation – the first in our nation’s history. We have a military capability worn disastrously thin by a President who took us to war on false pretenses.

We have a growing dependence on foreign sources of oil that undermines our economy. We have a government unwilling to recognize that any nation that does not control its energy supply does not control its economic destiny.

We have the world’s number one terrorist, Osama bin Laden, still hiding from America in a cave in Afghanistan, breathing feely the air about him, thumbing his nose at us and taunting us with one audio tape after another, especially painful to hear by the survivors of victims of the 9/11 attack on each anniversary.

We have an domestic infrastructure that is crumbling before our eyes – bridges that fail inMinnesota, levees that fail in New Orleans, mass transit systems crumbling from overcrowding and lack of funding.

We have government agencies whose ability to perform for the citizens they are suppose to serve has been diminished through lack of funding by a government that does not believe they should exist in the first place.

We have a national debt that has just passed 9 trillion dollars, with an interest of $409 billion per year that every one of us must pay thanks to the profligate spending of this administration (national debt grew from $5 trillion to over $9 trillion while George Bush was President).

Why do any of us allow ourselves to be distracted from these issues by an airhead beauty contestant when there is so much serious work to be done to set America right? Where is the outrage? Where is the demand from each one of us for the change Barack Obama stands for?

Where is the action that is called for – now?!

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