Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ready to Do It Again!

Republican friends are whispering, “It’ll be a good thing if we lose the presidential race this year because the problems the next President will face are not going to make him any friends.”

To that, I say, OK, we Democrats don’t mind bailing you out (sorry ‘bout that).”

We’ve done it before. We’ll do it again.

We did it in 1933 when Roosevelt took over from Hoover’s failed Republican administration and rescued the economy. We did it in 1993 when Bill Clinton took over from Bush 41 and rescued the economy once again. He actually left his successor a healthy surplus to begin his term in 2001.

Now, another Bush administration has the economy in the tank. Bush 43 has approval ratings of less than 19%. Nobody's listening to him anymore. Besides, he has no idea how to get us out of this latest mess.

As my friend, Charlie Cook, has written in his latest assessment of the political landscape, “With the national debt closing in on $10 trillion this week, looking past this election, it is sobering to contemplate how this country will deal with crises such as funding Medicare and Social Security, public infrastructure needs such as streets, highways, bridges, mass transit and sewer systems and education – never mind other hot topics like health care reform, energy independence and preparing young people to compete in a far more competitive global and technological economy.”

Darn, those are hard subjects. I can see why Republicans would like to hand them off to someone else. That’s OK. We Democrats are up to the challenge. We’ve done it before and we’re ready to do it again. Just try not to get in the way, OK?

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