Thursday, September 11, 2008

Anything but the issues, please...

Another posting from a great patriot, Elliot Berlin:

How would you feel if you went to an auto mechanic with a car problem and all he wanted to talk about were the clothes you were wearing, telling you your pants don’t match your shirt?

How would you feel if your kid was having trouble in school and during your meeting with the teacher all he’d talk about was the local NFL team?

What would your reaction be if you went to consult with a surgeon about cancer surgery and all he’d do was criticize the way you asked your questions, saying nothing about any knowledge he has of the latest surgical techniques?

Well, welcome to the 2008 Republican presidential campaign. The Republicans are placing roadblock after roadblock in front of your need to find out what they and John McCain really stand for, talking only about personality and distorted “biography” because they know if the election is decided on issues they will lose.

· They haven’t said one word about the “change” they’d bring to economic policy, because their policy is quite literally more of the same.

· They haven’t said one word about the “change” they’d bring to our middle east war policy, because as one of the towering supporters of the foreign policy status quo, John McCain has endorsed every step that got us into this terrible, expensive mess.

· They say nothing new about energy policy, stressing our reliance on fossil fuel and giving only minimal lip service to the kinds of renewable energy that will wean us from our oil addiction. Again, the “change” they promise can’t be seen in ANY of their actual policies. It is ONLY in their words.

Given that he’s advocated no meaningful “change” in any specific policy, perhaps McCain means we’ll all just magically become a little bit happier while continuing down the same old road to our own economic, environmental, and political destruction.

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