Saturday, September 20, 2008

And That Spells Trouble...

To all fiscal conservatives in the Republican Party:

The Nation's debt was 5.5 Trillion dollars when Bush 43 came into office in January 2001. It is now 10.6 Trillion dollars.

When the new borrowing to buy troubled mortgages is approved by Congress and signed into law by Bush 43, the debt will rise to 11.6 TRILLION DOLLARS! Isn't that special!!

As Everett Dirksen, a true Republican would say, "now we're talking about real money."

1 comment:

E Berlin media blog said...

And just a few sweet months ago I thought we'd seen all the wrinkles in the horrifying legacy of the Bush/Republican leadership. And now this, which is to a significant degree the handiwork of the guy who, until he inserted his entire foot into his unbelievably large mouth, was McCain's CHIEF ECONOMIC ADVISER!! Of course this is the ultimate proof that what he instigated was NOT a "mental" recession.