Friday, September 26, 2008

A caveat to my Democratic friends

Even though the election is trending daily to the Democratic ticket, I add this caveat this morning: those interested in "keeping this republic" must not rest one moment between now and November 4th. I remember writing the following message to a friend of mine in 2004 -- FOUR YEARS AGO:

"If the economy is still sucking wind, if new jobs are still non-existent (or increasing at only 10,000 per month), if the debt continues to soar, if health cost continue unabated, if the Medicare bill Bush just signed is proven to cost $150 billion more than Bush estimated, if energy prices have people paying $2 at the pump for regular gas, if we still have significant troops in Iraq, if we have not found Osama, Bush will be toast."

I was convinced the American people could see as clearly as I in 2004 that the country was in deep trouble with Bush 43 at the helm. They didn't see it that way. Maybe this time they will. Maybe.

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