Monday, September 29, 2008

The Right Wing Cannot Legislate Because It Does Not Legislate.

The Republicans, when in the majority, with a President from the same party, can easily march in lockstep, like lemmings to the sea, behind their President. I do not consider any bills passed under such conditions as evidence of legislative courage. Clearly, today's vote indicates it is not possible for them to work among themselves to solve problems of true national import.

The initial vote today was utterly predictable. (226 NO, 207 YEA)

Republicans sat and waited to see if the Democrats would save their they used to regularly (in the pre-Gingrich era).

Historical note: Republicans were always more comfortable in the minority, complaining from the back bench, and content to go home and tell their constituents the problem is those old free spending liberals in the Democratic Party. Meanwhile, they and their constituents enjoyed the programs enacted by Democrats, programs that ultimately helped these "conservatives" get re-elected. In fairness to their voters, the voters were satisfied with such an arrangement.

I'm pleased to see the Democrats not giving them the privilege of sitting back and waiting for the Democrats to save them. Make 'em vote. It would only take 10 votes switched by the Republicans to have it pass. I realize voting "yea" on this bill will give some Republicans heart attacks and a few may need a doctor to control their nausea.

With the House taking the next couple of days off, perhaps cooler heads will prevail when they reconvene on Thursday.

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