Monday, September 15, 2008

Can we survive another four months?

When Bush was appointed by the Supreme Court to the office of President, I turned to my wife and said, “We are entering the most dangerous period in American history.”

On inauguration day in January 2001, I turned to my wife and said, “This is going to be the longest 8 years in our lives.”

On every occasion since 2001, during national moments of disaster or misadventure, domestic or foreign, when the Bush administration has failed us or intentionally violated its oath to uphold the Constitution, I have turned to my wife and said, “I’m not sure we will be able to survive to the end of Bush 43’s term.”

Earlier this year, my sister, feeling the pain of our growing and collective angst during the Bush years, sent me an e-mail, saying, “It’ll be alright; it will soon be over.” This from a Republican.

Somehow her words did not reassure me. I know better.

I am looking at a calendar and it still shows four more LONG months until Bush 43 gets on that bus for the ride back to Crawford. I am also looking at news reports of yet another bankruptcy among investment banks, a stock market that has tumbled 500 points, and a host of economic indicators reflecting a virtual collapse of confidence.

Bush and his minions, the laissez faire “there is no role for government here” crowd seem oblivious to the need to play a regulatory role – now or ever. I’ll refrain from further comment, though it is justified, except to say, “I’m not sure we can survive another four months of this administration!”

Bush and his inept, incompetent approach to government have put all of his countrymen at risk.

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