Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ineligible receiver downfield!

I listened yesterday as syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer used a football metaphor to describe McCain's choice of Palin as a running mate. He said, "For McCain, it was a Hail Mary pass to the end zone -- and she caught it!" That's true, she did catch the desperation pass that had only a small chance of success.

But Krauthammer should have finished the metaphor. Here is the rest of the story that will become clear on the "instant replay" machine. The referee threw a flag, pointing out Palin was an ineligible receiver, an ineligible receiver who, before the catch, was a spectator sitting in the stands like everybody else...and just as unqualified to run out onto the playing field as the person who sits next to you and me on any given Saturday or Sunday afternoon.

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