Monday, October 20, 2008

Spread the Wealth? Indeed.

Context is critical to meaning.

Sometimes it means “share the credit,” or “give others a chance,” or “a little equality would be fine.” Sometimes it is a pick-up line in a bar, as in, “Let me know when you are ready to spread the wealth around.” It is not always used to indicate the desire to establish a socialist state. John McCain’s seizing of the line uttered by Barack Obama in passing to “Joe the Plumber” is a wild stretch of an off the cuff remark and more than likely was meant to convey the idea that we should “spread opportunity around” and make the tax burden on all of us more fair – especially for small businesses. But it’s all John McCain has, I guess.

By the way, John, what do you call your vote for the $700 billion rescue plan? Was that capitalism or socialism?

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