Monday, October 6, 2008

Problems with the Republican Mantra

Many readers of this blog are Republicans in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Georgia. They always have thought provoking questions which I appreciate. Late last week, I had an exchange with one who asked me why Republicans in the House of Representatives had such a hard time voting for Treasury’s rescue bill which most seemed to agree was needed to stabilize the economy and send a message to world markets that America was getting its financial act together. Here’s part of my answer:

It is hard for "always cut your taxes, anti-big government" Republicans to swallow this kind of economic medicine. Because, if they swallow it, it undermines their pet attack line on the Democrats which is, "Democrats will raise your taxes and increase the size of government. Elect me and I will reduce your taxes and reduce the size of that big ole government that interferes too much in your life."

If this latest legislative initiative works, it pulls the rug out from under those folks and they will have to admit that government does indeed have a role in keeping this country on an even keel and taxes do have a role to play in paying for the services we all depend on. Most importantly, they will have to admit that a free market can be depended upon to “take care of things” but only so long as the people are willing to endure enormous personal pain in the process (complete collapse of the financial markets) which they are not inclined to accept in 2008.

Of course, if you take away their mantra – “I will cut your taxes and reduce the size of government” – Republican ideologues are left with nothing POSITIVE to say about why they should be elected. Note that none of the “young turk” Republicans in the House, elected after Newt Gingrich taught his party to stick to the mantra, never vary, and never try to explain or educate constituents on the “right thing to do for the country.”

I hope this is a cycle in American politics that is nearing its end, and that the Gingrich generation will soon depart so that America can get back on track and resume its place of leadership on the world stage.

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