Thursday, October 9, 2008

Canvassing for Obama ...Again

This past weekend, my wife and I spent several hours going door-to-door once more for the person we feel best qualified to be the 44th president of the United States: Barack Obama.

If you have never done it, I recommend you wear out a little shoe leather on behalf of your favorite candidate. It was our second time, but it won’t be the last. The exercise is good for you and the people you meet are good for you, too. They give you a realistic view of the campaign from the front door of residences occupied by the ordinary Americans who will actually go to the polls in less than four weeks and choose the next President. Some pretend not to be home and ignore the bell, some come to the door and lie to you about who they support, some waste your time by asking unrelated questions, but some are truly interested in knowing more about the candidate you have chosen to support. It’s a pretty good sampling of America itself.

I tell everyone I meet that I have been voting in Presidential elections 44 years and have never gone door-to-door for any candidate. I tell them this year is different; I’m going door-to-door for my grandchildren because this race is critical to their future. We must make the right choice.

We have indulged the Republicans their chosen mediocre candidate for the last time, and it is time for an informed person imbued with integrity, intelligence and wisdom to assume the leadership of this great nation.

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