Tuesday, October 28, 2008

John Lewis called it a movement

There's something going on in America, said Rep. John Lewis a few months ago. Indeed, there is something going on. It is Americans taking back their government. It is ordinary citizens surprising even Barack Obama with their passion for redressing the wrongs of this administration as is their right under the US Constitution.

And here they are: in Portland where 75,000 came to see him, in Houston, where 25,000 came out the night Obama won the Wisconsin primary, in Philadelphia where 35,000 came to show their support the next day, in New York where 60,000 cheered, in Pittsburgh where 50,000 showed up, a 100,000 in Denver, a 100,000 plus in St. Louis, even Boise where 14,000 supporters showed up to hear his message of hope and belief in America's future.

American can't wait for the change Barack Obama will bring. It is nothing more than restoration of the underpinnings of this republic.

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