Sunday, October 26, 2008

In the Middle of the Rally!

Photos from today's rally in Denver. Obamamania! A good friend, standing in the middle of the rally, sent these photos from her Blackberry moments ago.

Here is the observation of my friend "from the scene."

Barack gave a CURRENT and inspiring, outstanding speech! We had to wait about an hour for him to appear. What I found so wonderful were the conversations we had with folks in the crowd. One Latino gentleman who brought his mother said he didn't pay much attention to political candidates before, but when McCain chose Sarah Palin, he was so disturbed that he began listening closer to their message. He was so turned off by the venom and negativity of the Republican candidates....not just McCain and Palin but also congressmen and senators at the state level. The more he listened to both, the more excited he became about Obama. I can tell you that the commercials here for local and state officials have been so negative....I think even worse than in Virginia!

Others were saying the same thing....young and old, white, black, Latino,
and "the first Americans for Obama" as one sign said.

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