Friday, October 24, 2008

Georgia on my mind

Georgia is my home state and so I follow politics there closer than I do almost any other state in the nation. I lived there when it was solidly Democratic. I left by the time McGovern had begun chasing the good ole boys into the Republican camp where they have been very happy. Richard Nixon got the second highest percentage win in November 1972 in Georgia (right behind Mississippi's 76% vote). And the party switch was underway.

But something is happening now. There is a movement afoot in the Peach State. And it starts with general unhappiness among the electorate there with the leadership of George Bush. (Who can't love a repentant alcoholic!) But the good ole boys ARE unhappy with Bush 43 and they don't see much hope for a better day in the aging maverick and his moose shootin' sidekick (Sarah The Shooter).

Various polls show incumbent Senator Saxby Chambliss leading by 4 points, by two points, and even tied in at least one poll with Democratic challenger Jim Martin. John McCain is just two points ahead of Barack Obama in Georgia. Georgia! A state that Bush 43 won by 17 points in 2004. There is a dark spot on the Republican brand in Georgia and it's called incompetence. There's not enough Oxi-Clean in the world to remove it. (Out damn spot, out!)

Yes, Obama still has work to do in Georgia and so does Jim Martin...but they are close and closing. And now folks are talking about a possible Obama win in South Carolina. If that happens, palmetto trees on the state house lawn are sure to topple! But the fact that reliable sources are even talking about a possible win for Obama in South Carolina tells you to get ready for an earthquake. (Yes, we have them in the South.) Okefenokee is the Seminole Indian name for the swamp in South Georgia which, when translated means, "land of the trembling earth."

Let it shake, baby. Let it shake!

Five minutes ago: Breaking News!!!

A new Insider Advantage Poll came out this morning and it now shows Obama at 48, McCain at 47 with Undecided at 3 -- IN GEORGIA! In the race for US Senate, incumbent Chambliss is 44, challenger Martin is at 42 with Undecided at 12. Although well within the margin for error, trends are UP for Obama and Martin. The ground is starting to tremble under my feet. Can you feel it!!

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