Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oh, You Cal

Boy, are the Republicans in a bad mood this morning!

I heard that arch-conservative Cal Thomas on the radio this morning describing the debate as a waste of time. “There’s only one word for last night’s debate,” complained Cal. “Booooring!!”

On the contrary, Cal, I found it fascinating. Steady as she goes, Obama was calm and reasoned in his demeanor and clear in his description of his ideas for the future. McCain, on the other hand was petty, petulant, and picayune in just about every way. And did you notice that his voice kept going higher and higher and becoming more whiny as the night went on. His voice dripped with contempt for his fellow debater, the person he described as “that one.”

Cal Thomas said both seemed to have forgotten that it is “we the people, not them, the government.” I have news for you, Cal. “we the people IS we the government every day – because that is our system of government.” What planet are you living on?

I heard Mary Matelin on the Don Imus program today saying “people need to start focusing on the differences in these two candidates – and then the polls will move in the right direction.” Mary, I have news for you, the people have focused on the differences and they believe Obama is the best candidate for America’s future.

And then there is my Republican neighbor, who said to me as I picked up the Washington Post in my driveway, “Debates? What debates? I try not to watch, it won’t make a difference.” I have news for her. This time it will make a difference. The American treasury cannot afford another four years like the last eight. We simply cannot afford it.

Confidence is what it’s all about. Confidence and trust. When we elect Barack Obama, confidence will return to the financial markets as they realize we have an actual grown up at the helm, someone in whom we can place our trust to get America moving again. We certainly don’t need someone who believes the government works best when we send it less money and expect it to do more and more. We certainly don’t need someone who believes there is no role for government in our lives and then says government should step in to buy up all the bad mortgages, the same person by the way, who – a few minutes earlier – said we ought to freeze government spending right where it is. No wonder Republicans are in a bad mood this morning.

You out of sorts Republicans need to take two aspirins. It’ll be over soon. The Democrats will be back in power and you can join your old friend Herbert Hoover on the sidelines of history.

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