Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Out of the mouth of Bush...

President George Bush was on TV this afternoon attempting to explain what Congress did and what he did to address the credit crisis and the Wall Street meltdown. A small businessman explained the great difficulty he was having getting credit for his business operations and wanted to know what the President was doing about it.

First, President Bush said he "listened to some pretty smart people" and he followed their advice. "They said we had to make a big, bold move and we did. (shrugged his shoulders) I know some members of Congress didn't like it, they never like it when government makes a big, bold move, but we had to do something about freezing up credit."

I kid you not, that's what he said.

Is it any wonder the people are scared to death. Our leader doesn't have a clue what he is saying.

It truly is up to the candidates at the Nashville debate tonight to calm the waters if they can, to explain to the American people exactly how they would address the current financial crisis. In a very real sense, the people have stopped listening to their ersatz President and will be looking for one of these guys to help restore some measure of confidence in the financial system that makes America work. Can they do it? We'll see.

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