Thursday, October 9, 2008

LOL -- Not

Isn't it amusing to watch the very people who rose to high office by promising to reduce the size of government and its involvement in our lives coming to the conclusion -- albeit, reluctantly -- that the government must buy a stake in the banks they are rescuing in order to help restore enough confidence among bankers that they will begin loaning money to each other?

I should be laughing out loud, but I get no joy from seeing these Republicans hoisted on their own petard! No, none.....really. Because what they have done to America with their Joe Six Pack approach to governing is tragic.

Is it too much to hope for that the day will come when they will cease their Simple Simon approach to government, acknowledge that it is more complex than they imagined, that really smart people (not hockey moms) MUST be in charge, that taxes paid to that government are indeed a patriotic exercise?

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