Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Records

Make no mistake about it, Bush 43 will go down in history holding every record by which we typically measure the success or failure of a President. He will be Number One! He will hold all the important records perhaps in perpetuity. He will hold the record for --
  • Greatest increase in national debt during his term (doubled the debt)
  • Greatest annual rate of federal spending (on and off budget)
  • Largest amount spent on nation building ($1 trillion and counting)
  • Greatest miscalculation in the cost of the Iraq war
  • Greatest miscalculation in the way American forces would be welcomed
  • Greatest attack on the constitutional rights of all Americans
  • Highest price per gallon at the pump for gasoline
  • Greatest cuts in Medicaid proposed
  • Greatest miscalculation in the cost of prescription drug benefit for seniors under Medicare
  • Largest number of Americans lost health insurance
  • Lowest amount spent on nation's infrastructure
  • Lowest approval rating of any President in the history of the nation.
  • Greatest fall in the value of the stock market since the Great Depression

Only God knows what record he would have held if the Congress had permitted him to privatize Social Security by taking all of its funds and investing them in the stock market. Now, that really would have been special!

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