Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Too Late, Newt

By now, you may have read media accounts of Newt Gingrich's recent strategy letter to House Republicans. In it, he calls for "real change to avoid a real disaster." Sorry, Newt, too late.

Newt is calling for "real change in legislative, communications, and campaign strategy and involves immediate, real action, including a complete overhaul of the Congressional Campaign Committee." Too late, Newt.

John Boehner, Republican leader from Ohio, added his two cents: "Republicans can only succeed this year by being agents of change and reform. The American people know that Washington is broken, and we have to convince them that we can fix it."

Too late, John. The American people have your number. We've seen the money laundering of Tom DeLay. We've seen the Bush Administration's reckless disregard for the US Constitution. We've seen your profligate spending in everything from misadventures overseas to earmarking special projects for your friends here at home. We've seen your spending up close and it is not pretty. Not even liberal Democrats, your favorite whipping boy, spend money the way you guys have spent it for the past seven years. You are not Republicans. Barry Goldwater wouldn't know you. You might best be described as the GOOP Party (Grand Old Opportunists Party) for that is mostly the course you have taken.

On one thing we do agree, there has been a "catastrophic collapse of trust in Republicans" as Newt has correctly noted, and in the end, that will be the problem that will keep John McCain from winning in November.

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