Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Carolina Dreamin'

I just returned from a weekend trip to North Carolina. With all that is at stake, I found voters surprisingly calm. Most of the yard signs were for local candidates, not the two presidential contenders. TV reports were mostly about Bill Clinton sitting in church Sunday with Rep. Heath Shuler, one of the superdelegates. I think Bill Clinton hit every media market in the state Sunday and Monday. The former President is absolutely indefatigable.

Monday, as I was in line at a Charlotte coffee shop, a Republican, standing in front of me, turned, saw my Obama sticker and lit into me. He was quick to tell me he was unhappy with all the candidates and was not going to vote for anyone this year. He is convinced Washington is the "root of all our problems." Here's what I told him:

I'm so sorry you feel that way. Washington is, of course, some of the problem, some of the time. But when it is a problem, the people have the right, indeed, the obligation to correct it. THE PEOPLE ARE IN CHARGE. If you want to point the finger of blame somewhere, be sure to include yourself and anyone else you know who does not take the time to learn enough about the candidates to vote for the best person for these times. These are sad days for America, to be sure, but they will be sadder still if the people abdicate their responsibility and don't vote.

He listened politely (everyone is polite in North Carolina) then walked away muttering something about hoping Lou Dobbs would run as a third party candidate!

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