Friday, May 30, 2008

Don't worry about your enemies...

Is there something in the air at Trinity Church in Chicago that makes preachers go nuts when they enter the pulpit? Maybe it’s some sort of swamp gas emitted from the base of the pulpit itself. Whatever it is, it seems to be an aphrodisiac for egos in search of their 15 minutes of fame (or infamy) in the media. The silence of Rev. Wright and Father Pfleger would be more golden than anyone’s I know…if only we could guarantee it.

I remember a lesson I learned from an old pol some 40 years ago who said, “In politics, don’t worry about your enemies, you know where they stand, but your friends….ah, your friends. Worry about your friends; they will cause more trouble than all your enemies put together.” I learned a lot from that fellow but none of his advice, over the years, has been more sound.

Whatever happened to preaching the gospel from the pulpit? I'd like to hear one of these guys preach on this text: “Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth his soul from trouble.” Proverbs 21:23

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