Thursday, May 1, 2008

That Flag Pin

As a resident of the DC area for the past 36 years, I have seen Members of Congress come and go. I always enjoy meeting them. Most come with the highest ideals of public service and do a good job. Something changed with the arrival of the Bush administration and the new Republicans who accompanied them in the House and Senate. In early 2001, I met one of the new congressmen when he visited our church. I introduced myself during the coffee hour following the service, and innocently asked, “Are you – Democrat or Republican?” He glared at me for a moment, grabbed his lapel and while shaking the pin in his lapel in my face, said, “Why, a Republican, of course! Can't you see my flag?”

His flag? I thought it belonged to all of us. No wonder Barack Obama doesn't wear one. He has this crazy idea that the flag and all it stands for belongs to all of us, not just one political party.

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