Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Limburger Effect

I don't understand how Rush Limburger can claim his "Operation Chaos" was a success. He instructed his followers to walk like sheep into Indiana voting booths and vote for Hillary Clinton to increase her chances of winning by a margin big enough to impose "chaos" on the Democratic selection process. If it was such a big success, why did she win by just 15,000 votes? If it was such a big success, why didn't she win by 500,000 votes...or even 100,000 votes? Geesh, she almost lost! What about that, Rush?

All of us know the truth. And the truth is this: Rush is afraid of an Obama win. He knows thinking Republicans are giving Obama a close look and many seem likely to support him in November. As MSNBC reported, exit polling of Republicans who voted Tuesday in Indiana showed 58 percent of them think Obama can beat John McCain in the fall.

Another Republican Party leader told me that when they can't find their volunteers in a given state, they have only to look to an Obama rally...and there they are!

No, Limburger knows what we all know, that America is ready for change and if the change is Obama, there is likely to be real change in Washington. And that type of change -- real, productive, positive change that solves problems, restores American integrity and credibility across a broad range of issues doesn't sit well with Rush and his minions.

This democracy thing is inconvenient, isn't it, Rush?

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