Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Morning Potpourri

While visiting a Republican friend (yes, I have many) in his office recently, he proudly displayed a complete leather-bound set of speeches by President George W. Bush from 2002-2005. As he turned the pages and talked about the set, I thought “If I owned these, I wouldn’t have to buy kindling wood for five years.”

My Republican friends sometimes ask me “Why do you hate Bush so?” My answer is “I don’t hate him; I’m sorry for him. But I do not like what he has done to our country.” Obviously, by the size of the turnout in the Democratic primaries this year, I’m not the only one who feels that way.


I bought a Toyota Camry Hybrid exactly one year ago. On a recent weekend trip to visit our daughter in Charlotte, the Camry got 38.8 mpg from Washington to Charlotte and the return trip saw us achieve 40.8 mpg. Needless to say we are extremely happy with hybrid technology. I have to admit it takes some adjustment at first to accept the switching from electric to gas and back again. The first time the car “died” at a traffic light, mild panic set in until I realized the gasoline engine had cut off and the electric engine was so quiet I could not tell it was on. So, bring on the fuel cells and PHEV (plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) and other alternatives to oil. Developing such technologies over here is better than going overseas to fight oil rich dictators who face us with weapons bought with our oil money. And what better way to reassert America’s economic leadership on the international stage.

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