Thursday, May 15, 2008

Clinton-Obama Bizarro World

I thought I was in a Jerry Seinfeld Bizarro World episode as I watched first Hillary Clinton's celebration of her successful West Virginia primary win followed the next night by Barack Obama's rally in Grand Rapids, MI when John Edwards endorsed him. In West Virginia, Hillary had about 300 paid staff, rabid volunteers and assorted sychophants gathered round a small stage as she all but announced she would be moving to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave next January. (Terry MacAuliffe had promoted the speech as "the greatest ever" and afterward Chris Matthews teased him by asking Terry to quote the most "Churchillian" line in it. MacAuliffe ignored that one.)

The next night, Obama, already leading in delegate counts and virtually certain to be the nominee, introduced John Edwards to at least 20,000 people in a packed arena. They were nearly delirious as Edwards stepped to the microphone, talked about tearing down the wall that divides Washington from the rest of America and, indeed, the world. His eloquence far exceeded the poor effort of Hillary the night before.

What a contrast! It was bizarre!

Hillary remains in her own world...well, Bizzaro World. Obama should remain alert. He could be about to enter a parallel universe. After his swearing in next January, it's just possible that President Obama will drive up to the White House only to be greeted by Hillary: "Welcome to the White House, Mr. Obama. I'll be with you in a moment. I'm signing a couple of executive orders right now. Would you like a souvenir pen when I'm finished?"

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