Thursday, August 21, 2008

Who's the Patriot in the race for President?

Friends say I see something political in nearly everything these days. If that be true, it’s because this election is so vitally important to America’s future.

All that we are, as a nation, is the result of those who walked this way before us, applying the full measure of their personal energy, integrity, resources, service, and frequently, sacrifice to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

That’s the essence of our federal system, isn’t it? So, can you blame me for being a bit concerned about the damage the Bush folk have done to our nation, our republican form of government, or as Lincoln so eloquently described it – a "government of the people, by the people and for the people.” As an American, concerned about this republic, I can’t escape these thoughts, even when I watch the Olympics.

It is at once a beautiful and inspiring experience, watching gifted athletes compete for the highest honors the world community can bestow. That makes them special, to be sure, but I see something else. Look at those who represent America. A woman of Chinese ancestry, now a naturalized American citizen, proudly competes in ping pong for the USA. A young man of Mexican descent wrestles his heart out for his new country. I saw another young competitor whose grandfather came to America from Hungary following the Soviet invasion in 1956. In nearly every competition there is someone just a generation or two removed from an immigrant family that came to this country seeking escape from poverty, war, or oppression. They or their parents or their grandparents came to pursue the American dream – to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and their posterity. One look into their faces and you see the most dedicated of US citizens. No one would dare question their patriotism.

And yet we have a John McCain whose campaign staff finds it easy to suggest that Barack Obama does not love his country the way they do. McCain says “I will never question Obama’s patriotism.” But his staff will, his campaign will, his surrogates will, those 527 committees will.

“He doesn’t have the same values we have,” they have said and will say again. Excuse me; Barack Obama is an American citizen running for President of the United States! He says, “we don’t have red states, we don’t have blue states, we only have these United States.” Those are values fundamental to our federal system. Those are values we all believe in. And who among us does not want a President who shares that view?

The McCain campaign has demonstrated already it will seek to destroy Obama’s character, his integrity, and question his patriotism along the way if it has to in order to win the office. Who wants a President like that? Who wants a President who believes in the Partisan States of America, not the United States of America?

And I ask you, who is the real patriot in this race – the man who will do and say anything to get elected OR the man who believes so much in America that he is willing to tell us the hard truth about the Herculean effort it will take to become energy independent, or the hard truth about the cost of providing health care coverage to all of us, or is willing to ask us to actually sacrifice when it is time to defend this nation, who believes the bankers son and the miller's son share the same obligation to this republic?

It is not a display of patriotism, or leadership, to employ reckless bellicose rhetoric on the world stage as John McCain has done on more than one occasion. Saber rattling may get you votes today, but it will not earn you respect tomorrow when it is time to actually be sworn in as Commander-in-Chief.

So do your damndest, Mr. McCain. Have your minions practice their dirty politics. Have them attempt to tear down a good man, a real American, with their race card and their fear card, with their distortions, their fabrications, their lies, their innuendoes. We’re not buying your politically expedient approach to politics, “my friend.” Your anything goes approach is going to be rejected by the American people this November. We’ve seen it before and we’re not buying it this time.

And I hope you are sufficiently ashamed on the day after the election that you will go back to the US Senate, apologize to all those you have offended, especially the newly minted US citizens, and vow to read the US Constitution again (Robert Byrd will loan you the copy he carries in his pocket every day) and become the US Senator the people of Arizona deserve, and no doubt, thought they elected.

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