Monday, August 18, 2008

McCain Can...and Will...If We Let Him

I heard from a good friend the other day who, after watching the Rick Warren interviews at Saddleback Church, is concerned that John McCain may use the same formula Republican right wingers have used in recent presidential races to secure a win. "Can McCain pull it off?" he wanted to know.

McCain CAN pull it off IF Americans let him. He had all the correct answers for Rick Warren the other day. He didn't have to stop and think about any of them since he knew exactly what to say to please them. Obama, on the other hand, tried to give each question a thoughtful answer...but will Americans give him enough time this fall for those kind of answers? We are so insistent upon being able to pigeon-hole our candidates on the issues. We want to be able to make a decision regarding our support based on simple answers to complex questions. Voters need to exercise a little mental discipline. Voters can do it, they have the freedom to do it, but I'm not sure the have the will to do it.

All you have to do is look at the TV ad McCain is running now to know how he intends to defeat Obama. The message will be "Obama wants to raise your taxes; indeed, he has already done so." And the second half of the message will be to play the fear card well, "Obama is not capable or experienced enough to handle the next terrorist attack, so be afraid, be very afraid. Vote Republican and we will take care of you." They are appealing to the very people who don't want Big Government in their lives by saying, in effect, let us, your only friends at Big Government, take care of you.
In other words, the party of destructive political tricksters, Lee Atwater and his protege, Karl Rove, has learned how to manipulate American voters so well that the voters often don't even know when they have been manipulated.

There go the lemmings...down to the sea...every one.

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