Sunday, August 24, 2008

A person of substance, experience and depth

I have followed Joe Biden’s career since he came to the Senate with my friend, Sam Nunn, both elected in the fall of 1972. Joe Biden was the youngest member of the 13-member class that year, just 29 years of age when elected but 30 by the time he took the oath of office in January, 1973 -- and thus "legal."

The tragic death of Joe's first wife in December 1972 shocked his colleagues. All of us working in the Senate – staff as well as senators – admired Joe Biden for his resolve to commute by train back home every night to be with his family in Wilmington. That was tough for a young guy working hard all day to learn the ropes in the Senate. Putting family above all else when setting priorities spoke volumes to me. Today, he enjoys an international reputation as a serious, thoughtful senator who does his homework and knows his stuff. He enjoys longstanding relationships with practically all of the major leaders in the world. I could not say that about any of the other potential nominees for VP except Sam Nunn.

Most importantly, Obama chose someone who is ready to step into the job of President if needed on a moment’s notice, bringing with him the substance, experience and depth that the Nation expects in its Commander-in-Chief.

For Obama/Biden, it's full speed ahead! The country awaits your leadership!

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