Friday, August 15, 2008

"Stay Away from Lawyers and Politicians"

Last night at the Olympics was a proud moment for America and for the disciplined athletes on stage. I wish our political leaders could demonstrate as much discipline when they are on stage. But, alas, I think we may never live long enough to see that condition come to pass.

My father told me I could do whatever I wanted in life, but he advised, "stay away from lawyers and politicians; lawyers lie and politics is dirty." Children seldom pay attention to such wise advice and I was no exception. I have paid the price of hanging around too many lawyers and politicians who lie, cheat, steal...and lie some more. Oh well. This 2008 presidential race will get ugly, it will get dirty. Too many people are being paid good money to make it so.

You and I should step back as best we can, take most of the attacks with a grain of salt, and make up our own minds. Pay very little attention to what TV's talking heads say, no matter who they are. Listen to the candidates, listen carefully, and make up your own mind. Consider, for example, John McCain's comment on the Russian invasion of the Republic of Georgia: "In the 21st Century, nations don't invade other nations." Really? What planet is he living on? Does he spend his whole life watching re-runs of Gunsmoke? The policy of preemptive first strike of another sovereign nation was exercised for the first time as a policy of this nation under Bush 41and Cheney 1! Good grief!


This presidential race should go to Obama. If it doesn't, this nation is in even greater danger than it was when Bush 43 was sworn in. In the last week, Russia's Vladimir Putin has helped reveal America to the rest of the world as a total paper tiger, unable to wield a baton much less a Roosevelt "big stick." As for our military, we got nothin' -- bupkus! We couldn't put a division into Afghanistan or anywhere else if our national life depended on it. Bush has decimated our military, spent our treasury, destroyed our international reputation, destabilized oil markets through his foreign misadventures, undermined our banking system through disinterested oversight, and weakened virtually every department and agency of government through benign neglect or intentional malfeasance.

When George Bush was elected to office, I turned to my wife and said, "This country is in great danger." I had no idea how much danger or how incompetent this administration would be.

Obama has an excellent chance to do well -- once elected. He has indicated he will lead by seeking consensus on issues, reaching across the aisle to do so. I take him at his word...and will do all I can to hold him to it. He is also committed to bringing into his administration individuals who have something to contribute to making America stronger, and he will not check first to see if they made a contribution to his campaign.

If McCain wins, it seems clear that it will be more of the Bush approach to mis-government. This is one of those times when Americans must ask themselves, as they go into the polling booth, "Have I given up, believing my vote won't make a difference, accepting a dismal future for my children, or do I want to help restore the principles upon which we have been governed these 232 years, and roll up my sleeves after the vote in the knowledge that my vote is only the beginning of the process of renewal? That is the only question we need ask.

1 comment:

E Berlin media blog said...

"Ben" - This is one of your best one's yet. Thanks.