Friday, August 8, 2008

The Tension Convention?

Tension Convention? Give me a break. Hillary will speak; her supporters will get to place her name in nomination but when the vote comes, Obama will be nominated. Bill Clinton will speak; pundits will talk about how much over his time allotment he went – and the two Clintons will go home. Their supporters will stay behind to support Obama BECAUSE DEMOCRATS WANT THE NEXT PRESIDENT TO BE ONE OF THEM. That's the only bottom line that counts!

Yes, there will be plenty of media discussion of the “turmoil,” “tension,” “conflict,” etc. but it will mean nothing to anyone who intends to vote in November. The Vice Presidential nominee, whoever he or she might be, will deliver a fine speech but it will only be prologue to Obama’s speech, delivered Thursday night (August 28), on the 45th anniversary of Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. All of us will be watching for that moment, and other than the official vote count, that will be the moment remembered from this convention. Pay no attention to those other folk behind the curtain.

The Republicans will have their usual and dull convention in Minneapolis the following week. John McCain will stumble while trying to read his speech from the teleprompter, and he will wear that empty facial expression during moments of obligatory applause from his sycophants.

Republicans will go back to their negative campaigning, hoping that one more visit to the “slop jar” will yield yet another win for their candidate.

And Democrats will redouble their efforts to make sure another mooncalf is not elected on November 4.

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