Friday, August 22, 2008

Life is unfair, "my friend."

The McCain campaign claims the media are giving disproportionate attention to his opponent, Barack Obama.

Let’s consider one example: coverage of those darn Obama rallies.

Were the media supposed to ignore the 75,000 people who crowded into the park in Portland to hear Obama, or the 20,000 in Houston, or the 35,000 in Philadelphia, and what about the international crowd of 200,000 who listened to him at Berlin’s Victory Column? No American candidate has ever drawn such crowds. The media have to cover such events. When you can do the same, “my friend,” the media will be there.

Would you have the media say, “McCain Draws 300 to Rally; Obama Draws a Few More.” You’d like that, I’m sure, but it would NOT be fair or accurate.

As George Bush would say, “You need to understand” there is more than “pretty words” going on here. It is a movement, as Rep. John Lewis has observed, and it is clear, “my friend,” it is a movement you don’t get. This movement is the singular product of the fervent resolve by a majority of the American people to take back their country from those who have used it for personal and/or political gain. They are intent on taking back their country and employing all the “blessings of liberty” to secure their nation anew in order to pass it on to another generation willing to accept Ben Franklin’s challenge “…you have a republic if you can keep it.”

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