Monday, August 25, 2008

Republicans Wanted Hillary -- BAD!

All this talk about unrest and unhappiness and division in the ranks over Hillary not being on the ticket is just that – talk. Sure, there are hurt feelings among the Clinton supporters because their candidate didn’t win the nomination. But Clinton supporters know, in the end, they – and we – must be united in our effort to take back America from the POP party (Political Opportunist Party).

But Republicans are ticked! They wanted to run against Hillary. They have been salivating for years over the prospect of running in 2008 against Hillary. During the primaries, Republican strategists kept saying, “Hillary is tough; she would be the toughest candidate we could face.” Don’t you believe it! They wanted her! The McCain campaign is running an ad right now saying, “She got 18 million votes and isn’t even on the ticket!” In essence, they are saying, “We’re really upset with Obama for not giving us Hillary to bash.”

Here's what Republican strategist will never admit: If she had been on the ticket, the McCain campaign would have ignored Obama and run against Hillary Clinton. They would have re-run all the old stories about the Clintons. They had more negative Hillary material in the can and ready to go than they could possibly use over the course of the next 72 days. Yes, they wanted to run against Hillary --- BAD!

So, ignore the television pundits…and remember they are only repeating what the Republicans tell them about the “simmering division among Democrats.” Yes, some of the Hillary folks continue to be disappointed that their candidate is not carrying the banner for the party, but they know – we all know – as Joe Biden said last Saturday, “We LITERALLY cannot afford another four years of the Bush-Cheney-McCain” form of government. America CANNOT AFFORD it!

As you watch the Convention in Denver this week, no matter what you see or hear, here's one thing you can take to the bank: Democrats WILL be united in November and will be joined by many REAL Republicans and THINKING Independents in rejecting four more years of Bush-Cheney-McCain.

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