Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Simple as That

I think the Obama trip to the Mid-East must be giving the McCain campaign living nightmares. It has been a resounding success. He has been welcomed as a breath of American fresh air. “Finally, there is someone from the land of the Stars and Stripes who listens to us and will work for a reasonable solution to world crises.” You can see it in the faces of those with whom he meets.

This race is almost over.

You have media types still talking about how close it is going to be, but it won’t be – really. Take a look at recent Democratic wins in special elections for Congress in reliably Republican Mississippi and Louisiana. Republican Senator Ted Stevens is in trouble in Alaska. Even in the very Republican state of Utah, Democrat Mark Udall is pulling ahead. Democrats seem set to pick up 5-7 seats in the Senate. In addition, there are at least six states in the West that have nearly always fallen for Republicans that are “in play” today.

Add to all that the fact that Obama is bringing in record amounts of cash from an army of ordinary citizens who want to have some say in electing the next President (imagine that!) and you begin to see how this is going to play out in November. (Obama raised $52 million last month!)

For McCain to have any chance, his team will have to manufacture derogatory stories about Obama out of whole cloth which they seem entirely capable of doing. Most of these stories will be circulated on the Internet in September and October and no doubt some of them will find their way into mainstream media…but your responsibility and mine will be to ignore them.

Yes, we are entering the silly season. Pundits have to talk, 24 hour news shows have air to fill, but the bottom line is: people want the Bush-Cheney crowd out of town. It is not complicated; it is as simple as that. America’s leadership will change in November…and you can take that to the bank today.


E Berlin media blog said...

Man I hope you're right!

Ben said...

The rank and file voter has not yet focused on this race. States are going to go "Blue" this time that have never been comfortable with any color but "Red." Keep the faith.