Friday, July 11, 2008

Hand Over Heart or Tummy? (I wish someone would tell me these things!)

Ever since Barack Obama did the famous fist bump with his wife, Michelle, President Bush has been working on it, trying to perfect it in case he meets Obama somewhere -- say, on the west steps of the Capitol next January. On July 1, a 12-year-old boy tried to teach Bush how to do it and there was a great photo in the Washington Post showing Bush, brow furrowed and eyes narrowed in total concentration, trying to master it. Unfortunately, the photo is copyrighted and thus, not available. Just as well. You can see by the photo attached that he is still struggling to master the hand over heart position most of us learned in grade school for those times when we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Mmmmmm……or maybe he just had a tummy ache.

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