Monday, July 7, 2008

How to Choose a President

Every day I receive e-mails from friends and family who are unhappy with the positions taken by the major candidates for the office of President of the United States. Their support drifts from one candidate to the other and back again. Sometimes, they're just not sure what to do. Some wonder if they ought to look at an independent candidate, or perhaps write in another name. All such alternate choices are silly…and would be a waste of a good vote.

"First of all," I tell them, "if you are looking for a candidate without flaws, you won’t find him. Unless you are looking for a Benedictine monk as your President of the United States, candidates will always have flaws and you will never agree with all they say and do. A candidate without flaws is not a requirement for the office and it never has been."

All have flaws. The proper questions to ask are:

Which candidate has the requisite judgment to make the right call when required?

Who has the intellect to analyze the tough issues and find the compromise that will work for all America?

Who has the integrity that will earn him the trust of the people in order that he might lead successfully?

You will notice that I did not suggest a single question about issues. My questions are focused on the bigger, overarching criteria that should be the true measure of the President we seek.

The right answers to the above three questions will put you not far from the next best President for America in November.

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