Saturday, July 19, 2008

Here's to 'ya, Mr. President

Electing a President in these difficult times should involve more than whether you would like to have a beer with him. It ought to involve serious discussion of the major issues even if –just be honest here – you don’t understand all of them. One issue all understand clearly is that America has no long term energy policy but America does have a clear dependency on foreign sources of oil for the energy that drives our economy.

So we should ask the two major candidates running for President a series of questions:

What do you think about hydrogen powered cars? What about converting solar power generated in the Southwest into a national electric generation center? What about fusion? What about developing clean coal and building a smart grid on which to carry all this unique power?

If either can talk intelligently about these issues, hoist a beer to them.

Al Gore says we can achieve energy independence in 10 years. I don’t believe it. But then again, I didn’t believe we could put a man on the moon in ten years – and we did it. So, who knows? Could there be a future “Microsoft” of energy out there?

If a candidate can talk intelligently about these questions and in the process formulate an energy policy for the long term that makes sense or at least fires our imagination about the possibilities, then, my friend, we are talking with the next President of the United States.

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