Friday, July 18, 2008

Bring Both Sides Together -- to Govern!

I'm a lifelong Democrat. That should come as no surprise to those who read the blog regularly. I believe the Democratic Party survives and thrives for its ideas, not its ideology. When I worked on Capitol Hill, the Republicans I knew sat on the back benches, did nothing but say "no" to every new idea presented, and waited for Democrats to solve the nation's problems before going home to ask voters to send them back to prevent Big Government from taking over their lives. It was a good gig...until the people caught on during the current Bush administration.

The "no" party is against a long term energy policy that actually solves the problem. Instead they want to just drill America's way to a solution..and pander to us with an occasional gas-tax holiday.
The "no" party is against a national health insurance program that would insure the 47 million uninsured and the countless more millions under-insured for health care costs that climb every year in double digits.
The "no" party is even against adequate funding for the few programs they actually advance, thus assuring their ultimate failure -- and there are too many to mention here.
Above all, just say "no" to every idea the Democrats advance.

Of course, there is some credence in the claim by the "no" party that the left side of the Democratic Party should be called the "yes" party. The lefties have no problem in saying "yes" to every new social spending program that comes down the pike. I saw a lot of that kind of problem solving the last 30 years of the 20th century and Americans don't want that government either.

Now, along comes a Democrat with yet another positive idea for America: BRING BOTH SIDES TOGETHER AND GOVERN. Whoa! That's radical. Can we handle it?

Obama says he is tired of the take no prisoners politics of the past several decades. He wants to build a new consensus. He understands that governing is all about compromise. I remember when Newt Gingrich stood on the steps of the Capitol, and unveiling his Contract with America, said, "...we want to accomplish this list of objectives and we will not compromise." My thought was, "Well, you won't be in power very long because governing is ALL about compromise."

So, when you see Obama moving to the center on your favorite issue, give him a break. He is seeking consensus; he is positioning himself to govern, not score political points against the opposition. In the end, he knows the job is not about ideology; it is about governing. Voters perceive he is trying to strengthen this republic. Indeed, he is trying to preserve it. Our youth understand the potential that lies within him. That's why they come in the tens of thousands to hear him, and to support him. He is the best hope for their future...and ours.

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